Technology is evolving all around us, right in front of our eyes. Every industry is slowly adopting new technologies and when it comes to the education industry then one very powerful piece of technology that schools can adopt is the School Dismissal Software. Whether it is for the ease of parents, teachers, and administration, to improve communication, or to keep a track of students’ location, School Dismissal Software is the next big thing that is going to change the game for schools.

Let’s learn more about the benefits of School Dismissal Software and why schools should implement this technology into their operations:
Keeps A Track Of Every Pickup & Drop-off
A school dismissal software keeps a track of every child that is picked up from school or dropped off at school to make it easier for parents to track the dismissal record of their child.
Reduces The Need For Front Office Calls
A school dismissal software such as SchoolTron reduces the need for front office calls as parents and guardians are able to manage child dismissal changes directly from their mobile phones. This reduces front office calls from the side of parents and guardians which helps to save as many as 10 hours per week for the front office.
No Need To Write Down Dismissal Changes
Since dismissal changes can be made remotely through mobile phones by parents through a school dismissal software such as SchoolTron, school staff no longer have to keep a notepad and write all day long about the dismissal changes of the children.
Easy Management Of Absentees
It used to be a problem for the school staff to manage the absentees because they were not updated on the absentee students by the parents, but not anymore. With a school dismissal software like SchoolTron, the absentee process is automated through the app and parents can give a detailed update to the school staff and teachers on the absence of their children; When, Why, and For How Long?
Easy Approvals And Schedule Changes
A school dismissal software allows parents and guardians to check their children’s calendars and make changes to them. These calendars and schedules are easily accessible by the school staff and they can approve those changes or add additional changes in real-time as required. This also helps the school staff with approved visitors and custodial issues with guardians.
Real-Time Secure Notifications
Every time a child checks in on the campus or is dismissed, the parents and guardians connected with the child are alerted with real-time notifications that keep them updated on their child’s whereabouts. This removes the confusion and worry for the parents regarding child pick up or drop-off.
Peace Of Minds For Parents & School Staff
A school dismissal software like SchoolTron keeps all the important people including parents, guardians, school teachers, school staff, and administration involved during the entire child dismissal process. Everyone involved can get an eagle-eye view of children's dismissal process which gives peace of mind, both to parents and also to school staff.
Dismissals Made Safer And Easier
Dismissals are made safe with a school management app as parents & guardians are given real-time updates and the children are sent to correct pickup locations every day to relieve the worry off parents’ shoulders.
Peace Of Mind For Parents & School Staff
A school dismissal software like SchoolTron keeps all the important people including parents, guardians, school teachers, school staff, and administration involved during the entire child dismissal process. Everyone involved can get an eagle-eye view of children's dismissal process which gives peace of mind, both to parents and also to school staff.
What Is SchoolTron?
SchoolTron is a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive, and secure school dismissal software that keeps the safety and security of children the No#1 priority. Whether you are a public school, a private school, a daycare, a summer camp, or an after-school program, our comprehensive and trusted platform helps to keep the students safe during pickup and drop-off, parents informed, and school staff free of any sort of worries.